Here are some sites
that will give you or connect you to everything you need to know about pipes.
- Pipe
FAQ - this is from the Internet Pipes Group site, but I have direct
linked to it since it is such a rich source of information. This is a good
place to dive right in.
- Tobacco
Aging FAQ
- a great compendium on "cellaring" (storing for purpose of aging)
pipe tobacco.
- Charles
Spurgeon's Love of Fine Cigars - This article focuses on the famous
theologian's love for the respite of a good smoke. Pipes are an almost equal
subject in this writing.
- Put
That in Your Pipe - article by Rick Newcombe in Reason Magazine.
- Biblical
View of Smoking - a sermon by Dr. Jeffrey Boer of the Orthodox Presbyterian
- Eat
Tobacco? - an article by a renown physician on the health BENEFITS of
smoking cigars and pipes.
- Holy
Smokes - This Central Florida group of men meets once a month for food,
fellowship, and cigars/pipes.
- Fred's
- What is a great pipe full of premium pipe tobacco without a truly fresh
cup of coffee? Find out how to get the BEST coffee in the roasting
your own at home!